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Protection In The Air

Sensor and protective ceramics for aerospace

CeramTecs advanced ceramics are used in a wide range of aerospace applications
  • Piezo sensors,
  • Probe collector for satellites,
  • Helicopter protection (incl. crew seats).
Protective ceramics

Silicon carbide has an weight advantage of 20% compared to alumina. Therfore it is highly applicable to helicopter armouring applications from a single tile to a customized pre-assambled pad. CeramTecs SiC-solutions ensure highest safety with lowest weight for air vehicle armouring.

High performance ceramics in protection applications
Sensor ceramics

CeramTec piezoceramic solutions for defence applications such as Ring Laser Gyroscopes (RLG’s) are used in many systems that are dependent on inertial navigation and guidance and are used in Aerospace, Maritime and Space environments, where critical frequency stabilisation is obtained using a piezoelectric transducer to precisely move one or more of the mirrors located on the perimeter of the cavity.

High performance ceramics in protection applications

Many of our proprietary PZT materials have qualities that are desirable in RLGs or other precision actuators & sensors. For example, PZT406 and PZT401 offer a close compromise between high permittivity, low dielectric losses, high density, high piezoelectric activity and a high mechanical factor - This combination enables production of an actuator that is extremely efficient under high driving modes, and in an RLG for example maximises the accuracy of the mirror positioning in situ during the compensation sequence. Another ceramic, PZT503, is excellent as a feedback sensor, because it offers high permittivity and excellent sensitivity levels, which means a stronger signal to noise ratio back to the amplifier unit. The actuator and feedback sensor are vital factors in the performance of many defence systems.

Advanced Ceramic Components for wide range of applications including:

  • Ring Laser Gyroscopes used in Aerospace
  • Aircraft deployed sonar systems
  • Fuel Level Sensors for aircraft
  • Vibration sensors for condition monitoring
  • Helicopter Ballistic Applications both for fuselage and seat protection
Sensor and protective ceramics for aerospace
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High performance ceramics in protection applications
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CeramTec Protection
