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Expanded Range of Use thanks to a special Groove Structure

Ceragol Friction Discs for Texturing Yarns

    CeramTec Ceragol

    The special groove structure of Ceragol discs enhances the internationally successful and proven Cerasoft®G friction discs and expands the range of use for texturing yarns.

    Its special disc groove structure makes Ceragol the perfect choice for texturing spun-dyed filament yarns made of polyester, polyamide and other raw materials in texturing. The discs are available with Cerasoft®G and CeramTec-Standard surfaces. Ceragol discs prevent build-up of abrasion particles, glazing effects and repeated process interruptions.

    Technical Advantages of Ceragol Friction Discs

    • Reduction of the contact surface from 9 to 6 mm while maintaining the same contact angle
    • Low, uniform yarn tension along the thread and from point to point, even after multiple workdays
    • Extremely low signs of wear, even for spun-dyed types
    • Significant reduction/avoidance of shiny effects
    • The yarn remains permanently stable in the machine – no yarn breakage
    • Constant, uniform yarn values for titer, mechanical strength and expansion
    CeramTec Cerasoft
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    Friction Discs

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